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Virtual Airtours

Here at Virtual Airtours, we are hiring Pilots and Managers. If you would like to be either please fill in the appropriate form and send it to us. The top form is for pilots and the bottom is for managers.(N.B.Experience is required for managers)

E-mail address
How old are you?
Do you have any previous va experience?
How many hours did you have there?
What is their website URL?
Which is your prefered hub?
I have word 97 or above

E-mail address
How old are you?
Are you already an Virtual Airtours pilot?
If Yes, What is your Pilot ID?
At which va did you get your managerial experience?
What is the websites URL
What job did you do at your previous va?
How many hours did you obtain there?
What is your prefered HUB?
I have Word 97 or above