Dont forget your rank limits the amount of flights you can fly so the more hours you get the more flights you can fly in the future 
Key Code | Airline | AIH | Airtours | AMM | Air 2000 | BM | British Midland | JMC | JMC | UA | United Virtual | Rank | Hours | Aircraft | Second Officer | 0-50 | A320, A321, All Codeshare Flights | First Officer | 50-150 | A320, A321, B757, All Codeshare Flights | Senior First Officer | 150-250 | A320, A321, B757, A330, All Codeshare Flights | Captain | 250-400 | A320, A321, B757, A330, B767, All Codeshare Flights | Senior Captain | 400+ | A320, A321, B757, A330, B767, DC-10, All Codeshare Flights | Visit the timetable Visit the United Virtual Codeshare Timetable |